Wednesday, 8 April 2009

“Resolutions” is a heavy word!

So are declaration, pledge, determination and steadfastness. Nonetheless New Year should bring something new albeit heavy. I usually do not keep New Year resolutions but this year I thought why not give it a try. And thus, here I am publicly announcing my resolutions in no particular order.

  • Make something creative every week so by the end of the year I should have 52 things I created - am still doing fairly good on this
  • Write blog posts at least once every week
  • Take one photo every week
  • Exercise (this is one which is most likely to fail)
  • Take up some creative course – photography maybe!
  • Learn to swim - started - yay!
  • Ride a bicycle (this one is after a long time)
  • Call up old friends (as some of u would agree I am verrry bad at this)
  • Volunteer at an NGO/orphanage/old age home - twice so far

I think I should restrict my list to these 9 items (for the year 2009) lest I feel bogged down by too many things to do.
Are you planning on keeping any resolutions?



Pushpa said... i have seen the first one...u said one creative thing every week...

Laura Jayne said...

Nice list... for yourself and others, always a worthwhile plan.

Unknown said...

I don't know why, but resolutions always bring along procrastination for me:(..lame excuse, but I too make up a list, not that i publish it, lest I get so embarrased for m most certainly not goona keep it up beyond 2 months:-(!..but yes, that's a good well-rounded list, takes care of the entire spectrum for u..God bless!...Don't delete this post till Dec'09..would like to see how you fared then;)!!!

Risha said...

this year i dint create any...but yeah my list of things i want to do is similar to yours, get fitter