Thursday, 23 April 2009

Showing the Finger…

Funny but this time around it’s the middle finger that gets the ink dot for voting. Usually it is the index finger and when somebody asks me if I voted, I put up my index finger display it proudly. Guess I shall have to hold myself back this time!

PS: 2 posts in a day! I know, two much!

I voted…

Of course…
Did you?
Well today is the phase 2 of voting in India and there has been much excitement around voting.
Till last evening I was the only one from my family who was going to vote (I do every year). With a lot of convincing on my part, my sister also agreed to vote; though she termed my convincing as ‘lecturing’. After all results matter, don’t they! I am so proud of her.
We usually get voting slips and this time my sister’s name did not appear though she has a voter id. So we had to do a lot of hunting around different poll booths to find her name. It’s not easy, to say the least. Finally, we found one place which has a computer database and hence easier to search from list. There we found her details and so off we went.
Sadly, I couldn’t convince my mom enough. Her argument, it doesn’t make a difference whoever we vote, all are corrupt to some extent or the other! Well. To this my argument is you can at least cast your vote and try to change the system. Too add, I think after you vote and it still doesn’t work, you have a right to speak of the wrong-doings. Another argument my mom put up was that none of the candidates or their representatives have come soliciting votes this year. There have been some mass rallies true but not the old fashioned soliciting. She says they are all interested in the votes that they can buy, not the educated votes. To this, I rest my case. Why, I agree to this to some point. All the same, I have gone and cast my vote!

Does my voting give me a right to chastise those who have not voted? I don’t know. I reprimand them nonetheless. Of course after trying to convince them to vote!
If you haven’t already, go vote.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Swimming Day 5, 6 & 7

Hey folks!
Day 5 & 6 for swimming did not see a lot of progress and hence I didn't have much to write about!
Day 7, today and there I was, swimming short distances, very short really but yes, swimming.
So decent progress was made and that made me elated, so much so that my coach mentioned she can see that I am happy. Well! Yes I am!
I went today the deep end of the pool today and could manage some strokes there. I am hooked on to it now! yay!
PS: Sorry for the over the board usage of exclamation marks. As you can probably tell, I am happy :)

Friday, 10 April 2009

Swimming - Day 4

Today I got to learn the hand movements along with breathing technique.
Next step was to incorporate hand and leg movements and with some assistance from the coach, managed to do that. Need to relax a bit more so that my body does not remain stiff.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Swimming - Day 3

Hey all!
It is so much fun in the water. I have had the feeling of floating yesterday - even out of the pool :)
Today's lesson - hand movement for breaststroke (corrected from freestyle). In my earlier post I mistakingly named it as butterfly but what I am learning is free style actually.
So now I can independently move legs, hands and take breaths and the next step is to combine these!
Some encouragement from my instructor - she said I am floating even better today and she says I should be able to learn early 'cause I am so willing to do it. Yay!!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Blog header update

Updated my blog header to celebrate my new activity - Swimming!

“Resolutions” is a heavy word!

So are declaration, pledge, determination and steadfastness. Nonetheless New Year should bring something new albeit heavy. I usually do not keep New Year resolutions but this year I thought why not give it a try. And thus, here I am publicly announcing my resolutions in no particular order.

  • Make something creative every week so by the end of the year I should have 52 things I created - am still doing fairly good on this
  • Write blog posts at least once every week
  • Take one photo every week
  • Exercise (this is one which is most likely to fail)
  • Take up some creative course – photography maybe!
  • Learn to swim - started - yay!
  • Ride a bicycle (this one is after a long time)
  • Call up old friends (as some of u would agree I am verrry bad at this)
  • Volunteer at an NGO/orphanage/old age home - twice so far

I think I should restrict my list to these 9 items (for the year 2009) lest I feel bogged down by too many things to do.
Are you planning on keeping any resolutions?


Swimming – Day 2

I was warned yesterday that my body is going to ache. Fortunately that did not happen. There was some pain in my arms but otherwise I was ok.
By the way, what I did not mention yesterday is we start the session by walking in the water, front, backwards and sideways.
On day 2 there has been some progress. I could manage to stay afloat for longer duration before I hit the pool floor. I was given the kickboard and I practiced floating using the help of that. Also did some gliding straight ahead.
I can now relax more than yesterday.
One thing I realised today, when I step out of the pool after an hour, I can suddenly feel my weight. To carry this weight around now seems to need an effort!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

And into the water I dive…

Well not dive really… But step into the water doesn’t sound as interesting!
Today was the first day of my swimming classes.

All the gals who have patiently listened to my swimming woes from last year, here I do it finally!
Woke up early morning ( 5.15 am is early now) full of excitement, anxiety, nervousness which comes with anything that is new!
Went to the pool to see my instructor waiting for me. A round of introductions. Here I am all showered and ready to enter the pool. A set of basic instructions…
Coach seems good, experienced.

What consisted of my first day?
Trying to stay afloat, leg movements for butterfly stroke and breathing techniques..
Breathing was ok, leg movements - well could manage too. Cannot yet stay afloat though.
Just before I left for the day my instructor warned me of pains in the shoulders, back and legs (all from being stiff).

Am excited.
Shall log about my progress.

PS: Swimming is one of my this years resolutions… one more down! And now I shall take VS's advice and keep ticking off my resolutions (I was waiting for this particular one).